Tertúlia Liberal

Pretende-se REFLECTIR o mundo e a sociedade, com uma nota crítica mas sem pessimismos.

segunda-feira, novembro 13, 2006

Frases soltas...

Qualquer uma delas susceptível de comentários e/ou leituras diversos:

Rather than adopting the classic Asian strategy – exporting labor-intensive, low-priced manufactured goods to the West – India has relied on its domestic market more than exports, consumption more than investment, services more than industry, and high tech more than low skill manufacturing.”

Moreover, 30 to 40 percent of GDP growth is due to rising productivity (…) rather than increases in the amount of capital or labor.”

Services now account for more than 50 percent of India’s GDP, whereas agriculture’s share is 22 percent, and industry’s share is only 27 percent.”

Perhaps in a decade, the distinction between China as «the world’s workshop» and India as «the world’s back office» will slowly fade as India’s manufacturing and China’s services catch up.”

Cito-Vos, assim, algumas frases de Gurcharan Das em The India Model, publicado no penúltimo número da Foreign Affairs.

Concluo, como o Autor, com duas outras parcialmente adaptáveis ao nosso país:

India may have had some excellent civil servants, but none really understood business – event though they had the power to ruin it. (…) They think of bureaucrats as self-serving, obstructive, and corrupt, protected by labor laws and lifetime contracts that render them completely unaccountable.”

As so many ways of India’s success story, Indians are finding solutions to their problems without waiting for the government.”

Que Vos ocorre?


  • At 7:12 da tarde, Blogger Paulo Martins said…

    Uma lição para os portugueses que ainda acreditam que o governo/estado pode fazer tudo por eles.

  • At 4:37 da tarde, Anonymous Anónimo said…

    Nem mais.
    A última frase deveria ser mesmo uma lição para muitos portugueses que ficam "à sombra da bananeira" à espera que o Estado lhes dê tudo de mão beijada. O pior é que as coisas estão dificeis e então o Estado vai retirando benefícios àqueles que estavam a receber sem fazer nenhum por isso (ou não precisavam de receber)... e aí vêm as manif's e as greves, pois claro...


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